Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Choice of Stupid

Possible Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Wednesday asserted on CNN that homosexuality was a choice because people who went to prison “come out gay. the former neurosurgeon insisted that LGBT people did not deserve the same equal protection under the law because they could choose not to be gay. (Raw Story)

It might be laughable to think that in the year 2015, a man who supposedly earned a post graduate degree in medicine and now is considering a run for the presidency of the United States, would have a mere inkling of a clue regarding homosexuality, and the provisions of the Constitution of the United States. One might joke that Saturday Night Live writers actually wrote the words Ben Carson spoke while on CNN, or that one of the editors for the ONION decided to lampoon the insidious inane preoccupation biased people have with facts they perceive as pure fiction. But the sad truth of the matter is in a very black comedic way, that when you decide to run for office via the T-Publican political party in the United States the dumber more hateful and bigoted you sound the better chance you have to be elected.

Denial of equal protection should never exist let alone be based on religious superstition or repressed religious dogma, the color of your skin, your supposed gender or your preference to whom you want to make love and be loved. Equal protection should not be a debated subject based on folklore, fable and foibles taught to you by ignorant parents or a maleficent religious institution. And when you run for the highest office in this nation you should first be required to understand the words of the Constitution…”of the people, by the people and… the pursuit of happiness.”  Listening to individuals like Ben Carson spew nothing but stupid is scary. What is scarier however is that someone as malicious, deceiving, and homophobic is embraced by and emboldened to run for president of the United States. Mr Carson there is a choice here indeed, and you have chosen to be a stupid hateful man.

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