Friday, March 27, 2015

Good God!

And so it goes, so afraid of homosexuals, so fearful that whom we love and how we live may knock their God from his heavenly perch because we are among so many other traits happen to be Gay. So terrified that freedom will restrict their own bigoted version of a Bible, a Governor of Indiana in a very private ceremony far from the public eye,cow towing to his legions of bigots and homophobes proudly places his name on a bill to permit discrimination…just because a bunch of cowards insist that inequality is a true American trait and if all men and women are equal it somehow diminishes their tarnished version of Christianity! Pretending that religious freedom trumps freedom from religion T-Bagging Governor Mike Pence said the following: “I signed the bill "because I support the freedom of religion for every Hoosier of every faith…Today, many people of faith feel their religious liberty is under attack by government action." "If I thought it legalized discrimination in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it,"  So HIS government action was to disobey the intentions of the founding of this nation. One of those Founding Fathers, James Madison said “The civil government … functions with complete success … by the total separation of the Church from the State.”in 1819.

Oh Mike Pence you might be fooling the idiots who believe Bill O’Reilly is a journalist and HONEST about anything he reports, You might be be fooling the Bible thumping morons who think that global warming cannot possibly happening because we can still make snow balls. And you might even be fooling the dumb shits who believe Ted Cruz is a hero because his greatest accomplishment was to try and shut down the government over Obamacare which in fact he opted to purchase; but really Mike stop hiding behind your white robe and white mask and come clean guy, you want to run for President and you need that slimy, ignorant White supremacist, racist base to boost your nomination. If you had taken time to read the Constitution or any letters of the Founding Fathers of the United States (nope not John, or Luke or Matthew), you would certainly know that your signing of a bill to discriminate due solely to religious belief is a bunch of hokey! And Mike, if you really were proud of your foray into the world of Christian Crusading you would have made the Hate the Gays Bill a public event and not hide in your own mean spirited and Un-American closet.

So for you to earn your T-Publican creed, to enjoy the blessing of the American Family Foundation, the John Birch society the NRA, the notoriety of Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Glenn Beck, and every other faux Patriot man or woman who fear that anyone else is stronger then their God you sold your soul to a very evil Devil. To prove just much of religious Fascist you might become proving everyone else is not truly an American and to begin an expensive court process to sue you and your state for a very undemocratic action you decided that hate is an American/Christian valued tradition. You’ve proven once again that inequality is a sign from some gun totting, creation hating God. And in the true sense of modern Evangelical Christian beliefs personal political gains usurps the rights of anyone else. I might ask how do you live with yourself, but then again the meaninglessness of your actions answers that question.

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