Wednesday, March 11, 2015

same is not different

You sometimes have to look at the fine print to discern the difference between one man’s poison and another one man’s madness. At the outset all the mayhem may seem different, but in reality the same is not different at all. The common denominator is simple God Made Me Do It!

According to reports from northern Iraq corroborated by photos shared on social media Tuesday, Islamic State militants have publicly beheaded three men, at least two of them for allegedly engaging in homosexual acts. reports claim that the three young men were killed for “blasphemy.” Under Islamic State-imposed sharia law, homosexuality is punishable by death. (Breibart) Scott Lively (American author, attorney and wanna be politician): Homosexuality is ‘worse than murder and worse than genocide’ “It’s not just another sin,” he continued “It’s really a harbinger of the judgment of God … The celebration by the society [of homosexuality] is a harbinger of the wrath of God”: (Raw Story)

Iran is one of a handful of countries where homosexual acts are punishable by death. Clerics do, however accept the idea that a person may be trapped in a body of the wrong sex. So homosexuals can be pushed into having gender reassignment surgery - and to avoid it many flee the country (BBC News) Claiming that being gay is a choice like drug abuse, Brainerd Baptist Church Senior Pastor Robby Gallaty the senior pastor for a megachurch in Tennessee says that “gays must be put to death” because God commands it. (patheos)

Nigeria: Federal law classifies homosexual behavior as a felony punishable by imprisonment, but several states have adopted sharia law and imposed a death penalty for men. A law signed in early January makes it illegal for gay people countrywide to hold a meeting or form clubs.(Wikipedia).The Oklahoma House has approved legislation that shifts the issuance of marriage licenses from the state to members of the clergy. Russ says it gets government out of the business of licensing marriage and has nothing to do with same-sex marriage. It is just coincidence that this bill has taken life now.(Huff Post)

When hate, inequality and insecurity are the common core providing the same philosophies of insidious behavior then it matters not from which Holy book you quote or which hateful verse and passage you act. Your God is an empty vessel if he insists that someone as alone, confused and stupid as you was given any heavenly divine power to speak for him. And it certainly doesn’t matter if your flag is red, white, blue, green or black it will never fully blow in the wind when held in your simpleton hands.

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