Honest to God, Governor Mike Pence you pontificate how much you are a good soldier of Christ, upholding the most supreme of Christian morals and values and all you can come up with to conceal your very un-Christian let alone un-American bigotry is to feign ignorance that you had no idea the Freedom of Religion Act you signed into law was discriminatory. Holy Cow Pence you are the governor you are the Da’Man and somehow after people who really understand Christian values and American history began clamoring just how incendiary this bogus act for religious freedom really was you have the audacity to plead I am innocent I had no idea just how harmful the bill I signed onto could be interpreted. You demonstrated a pouty face on television all moody and blue that most normal Americans are pointing their third finger in the air at you and your compadre of homophobes serving in the very T-baggering legislative body of Indiana for acting like KKK douchebags. How insensitive you went on to say, that the good people of Indiana are being singled out for just standing up for religious freedom while they fuck the lights out freedom from religious persecution. Exactly which good people of Indiana are they Mikey Boy who use hate as a governance tool, Jesus as a scapegoat for their own inadequacies and failures, or their sheer ignorance of the true spirit of America which by the way was based on eliminating a state run religion?
Oh Lord, Gov Pence most bully’s hate when they get caught in the act of foolishness, and you are reacting just like the cowardly bully caught in the headlights of injustice and ineptitude. Now you insist that you need clarification of the Freedom for Religion Act, you know check it over to see who is naughty or nice. You are sure this homophobic bunch of bile was not meant to single out the LGBT community, but within all the talk show bull shit meet and greets you participated you never once said I will make sure this Christian Fascist theocratic act of UnAmericanism is not geared for the Gays. You were however at the ready to accuse the liberal press of concocting a scheme to make Christians to look bad all the while bat shit crazy yourself that you are the one acting like the asshole. Why is it most Conservative Evangelical Christian politicians are sure as heck proud to initiate legislation of inequality in the private enclaves of white robe wearing constituents but always act as if their actions were taken out of context when the public finds out the truth?
And here is the real kicker Pence, you are not concerned because human rights and civil rights are being violated, your pretend concern has only arisen because people with money are complaining. Yep Mikey morals, values, freedoms weigh very little but millions of dollars which might be removed from your state coffers, now we are talking about injustice being served. You will see what all this fuss about not because it is about discriminatory actions against a demographic of Indianans but because your budget might take a hit and that is a personal affront to you and your national political ambitions. Honest to God Mike Pence you are an idiot!
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