The T-Publicans in the House of Representatives have passed a budget increasing defense spending and of course eliminating as many social programs as their Christian hearts could count. These same soldiers for Christ have been insistent that any woman who dare thinks she is owed a clean hospital bed or for that matter a gurney in a sterile clinic, to decide upon her reproductive rights and her decision, if she believes an abortion is necessary, will either face jail time of just have to find some used dirty hanger. At the same time these Christian Jihadists have made it a priority to diminish food stamps, Federal minimum wage and try and eliminate school nutrition programs for all these women who must now raise their children on their own. The Christ is Right and you are wrong Crowd of politicians are still trying to hack away at the Affordable Care Act insisting that Jesus would rather arm you with an assault weapon and deny you access to health care. These T-Publicans also demand that it is rather Un-Christian like which automatically translates into Un-American like to consider clean air as an issue or a priority let alone utter the words Climate Change. And yet they continue to run roughshod in the governing of our nation as uncontrolled as a lava flow from a very toxic volcano.
T-Publican Christian nation states bemoan the death of the Confederacy and to celebrate the demise of Jim Crow Laws have decided that Religious Freedom Acts will suffice to showcase the hatred squandered when the South lost the Civil War. Separate but not equal seems to be an American tradition these religious Fascists long for and desire. Evangelical Christianity the purist of bigotry pursuits will lay claim to this land, and if in their heart of empty hearts a God fearing homophobe thinks you look Gay, sound Gay, or just decide that today you smell Gay they can proudly deny you service, refuse to acknowledge your presence and of course kick you out of their public place of business. America was founded as a Christian nation they insist, don’t read the bull shit lines of the Constitution, pay no attention to this nation being a melting pot, ignore the history books written by liberal Communists stating the US was a place for those fleeing religious prosecution, this is a new day and the truth in any matter is to go backwards in thought and deed. As they select the passages and verses from a Bible filled with great lines of hate, so do these Christian religious terrorists abridge the Constitution to proudly demonstrate bias, bigotry and bogus. And yet they surge forward like the army ants of a forest killing anything in their wake.
We watch a parade of T-Publican presidential hopefuls pandering to a base that seems to get more stupid and much more dangerous in their xenophobic ways. As each T-Publican potential candidate decides to declare his/her readiness to lead this nation we hear words flowing from their mouths…denying women reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work…easier access to guns, less access to education…immigration was never an American tradition…war makes you strong, peace is for pussy’s…homosexuality, poverty,old age are choices…freedom of religion outweighs freedom from religion. We watch as these politicians dote on the days of the Confederacy declaring Civil Rights, Voting Rights are wrong. We watch in amazement sometimes laughing at the circus atmosphere these clowns present thinking this three ring event certainly can’t stand the test of time. But somehow just like carbon monoxide seeping in our lungs as we sleep, the poison soon suppresses our ability to awaken and we find our very dead.
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