The Middle East is continuing to explode, now Syrian citizens are being tortured to death via nerve gas bombs, and what do we do, we send Jared Kushner to Iraq, so he can close a private Trump/Kushner Family business deal. The Assad Regime, the dictator paid and profiting from Russian interference and dollars, continues to rule his empire, torturing, maiming, and murdering anyone he wishes and our response is to try and close either a Siberian or Arctic oil drilling contract with the Russians, hoping that our Secretary of State Rex Tillerson uses the might of Mobile-Exxon to seal the deal. We all understand Putin pulls the strings of his satellite nations, yet now a days the US Republican leadership begs to be part of his marionette show, fearful that if Putin cuts those strings, people like Ryan, Chaffetz, McConnell, Pence and Trump will certainly be penniless, and propelled into political purgatory, and maybe a Federal Penitentiary!
History is replete with examples of we do this for God, we do this for the good, we do this for revenge, we do this because, we can…Ethnic genocide happened in Rwanda, when the Hutu’s losing their power in government decided on genocide against their rival tribe, the Tutsi’s…we didn’t care after all this was in Africa, black man against black man. Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia as the Serbs decided that the Croatian’s were really not true Bosnians…eh, they were former Communists so who really cared. They called it the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the Protestants wanting to remain as a part Great Britain, and the Catholics wanting the same kind of freedom as their Irish cousins had. This was considered a political/nationalistic conflict…the US was torn as we had our share of both Christian denominations, but in reality, we were dealing with those pesky Negro’s who were demanding their own kind of independence. And the Holocaust…no need at first to get involved with that shit, so what if the Jews were the scapegoat…they were just Jews, how really cared. Now we have the Syrians, mainly Muslim, certainly all terrorists…so what if they die, don’t they really deserve to do so…
Why is it we have little difficulty finding reason for war, but consider it treasonous to seek peace? What is it about our own insecurities that cause us to blame God for war, because if we don’t murder in his name we are not worthy enough? Why do we believe there is more profit to be made by investing in the military, and despise the details of the health and welfare of the people? How is that we insist that our past history is more important then creating our future? Why are we only secure when we identify an ENEMY.