Thursday, April 27, 2017

Trilogy, Part 1

A Trilogy Part 1
Lowering standards for the Department of Education…eliminating the EPA, insisting that any idea, ANY idea find fruition demanding that the GOP create Trump Care, no matter if it removes pre-existing conditions, no longer covers millions of Americans, and IS not affordable…White Supremacists in the West Wing…nepotism rampant…tax breaks for billionaires…dissing Canada, Mexico…golfs, lies about golfing, continues to golf and continues to lie…no tax returns, EVER…Campaign Staff singled out by FBI for Russian collusion…invites hypocrites, liars, treasonous enemies of the state and wealthy donors to become Cabinet Members….

Trump is still in the Oval Office…we all still complain, ring our hands, and read how this latest con is the one that will get him…but it doesn’t…it never does…Cable News Networks still pretend that anyone Trump might be truthful and invites Trump talking heads to debate their own alternative facts…The family still has control over all of their businesses…Princess Ivanka, pretends to be the reasonable kid, while hiring laborers seemingly working out of labor camps in China…Jared’s dad, and Jared are still buds with Mafioso, hiring two guys with felony records for their family board, but Jared is given special security badge…We cry, we wallow, we wail, we touch our hearts with disbelief…we receive tons and tons of emails from every possible Democrat National Committee, telling us that this next gift IS the one to make the difference…Trump is still King, still writing Executive Orders undoing any sane and sensible law in this nation…and no one YET has stopped him.

I wake up each day fearful of my phone, going to Facebook knowing that if Trump hasn’t started the Third World War yet, he is attacking our ally’s. I worry how many more pieced of freedom and equality will be torn and shattered…I wonder when Martial Law will be declared…and I continue to only hear silence from the truly religious, the the real Patriots…I begin to wonder IS it true, good things DO happen to bad people, and Good people just get shit on…