Believing this whole White House stint is reality TV, Trump became worried about ratings week. Talking to himself as he looked in the mirror he decided hr needed a bit more bling and bogus to bring back his popularity numbers; after all just having billionaires as sponsors can’t help you become the BEST PRESIDENT ever, you need an audience of the average moron. So, to kick off ratings week he decided to fire a few million dollars worth of missiles to get the people’s attention. Paid off as the stupid and of the course the media languished him with valor, honor and duty. Alas alack, the whole thing back fired as it seemed someone named trump notified his buds Assad and Putin, don’t be surprised but I am going to surprise you with some warheads….OOOPS!
Its rating week folks as in 7 days of sweeps. Gotta get those numbers up, just wonder what other big bang theory’s, the demented Donald has in mind…nukes in South Korea…raid on Teheran…or just maybe an invasion of California! Ya just never know do ya!