Why is it ALWAYS after the fact, after the fault, that corporations, when found fraudulent in almost anything they do, SAY: “These do not reflect our values.” REALLY, were those VALUES not reflected by an angry employee, a frustrated person unhappy with the job they chose, a disgruntled member of YOUR team, EVER discussed ahead of time, before the CEO and the Share Holders worried more about the bottom line, and before the invention of the camera on the phone came about? Why does this shit happen in the first place, if the standards and practices of ANY corporation were established to avoid any and all conflicts. was there no money for Staff Training/was the CEO’s salary in jeopardy if management time was wasted on customer service? Were managers too expensive to pay to assist the staff of any corporation to do right by the customer, by the public? It is always after an event that the shock and awe, the condolences, the apologies happen, as if out of the blue an airline employee HAS NEVER berated or beat up a passenger!
We, Americans, should have all taken great heed, when the airlines, ALL, rung their hands and furled their brows, telling us, that due to the increase in gasoline, the fares for flying must be raised. We believed them and one by one, the airlines, filled with angst flowered with true grit, said, we will have to raise prices on tickets, on luggage, on food on movies…BUT trust us, we are doing this for you, and we WILL only be doing this as long as those nasty Oil Producing Countries keep on raising their selfish prices for a barrel of crude! Hmmm, gasoline has dropped quite a bit since those days…the cost of an airplane ticket HAS NOT. We, Americans, should have also been a bit more concerned when suddenly the game of Monopoly was being played by the Airline Industry, one mega merger after the other…Yep, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats said word one about how these HUGE mergers would affect the cost of flying…Its supply and demand we are told, its how American Capitalism works we were lectured…don’t wanna fly, take the Greyhound, except there aren’t that many, don’t wanna fly take the train, except the budget for Amtrak has been cut, don’t wanna fly, stay home!
So, once again, outrage, anger, has surfaced with regards to flying. As if security lines, run by many an ill-equipped personal isn’t frustrating enough, paying more for almost anything you want on an airline flight is outrageously priced. Class war, as you wait your turn to fly waiting until the super, super super duper passengers board first, then just the super, super duper ones, then the those lowly super duper people, waiting until they call the steerage group, sitting in seats designed to limit any kind of blood flow necessary to thrive. Apologies will be provided, lawyers fees will be paid, videos will surface, but I bet our bottom dollar, All of this violence will continue…oh yeah, the airlines will also be mystified, just how all of this stuff could have happened, because well you know its not their practice to best us up!