Trilogy Part 3
We all have heard the word ENABLER, many of us who have friends or family suffering from forms of addiction, either become very defensive with the word ENABLER, or have found some comfort understanding the power of ENABLING, and NOT ENABLING, of course both the positive and negative affects. Often times we pretend that by not mentioning the THING, the THING will somehow disappear, or like a villager in some tucked away hamlet, saying, no evil means seeing no evil which means there is no evil. There are some people, even in 2017, who find it difficult to believe that addiction is ACTUALLY a mental illness, perhaps some of those people, also believe climate change is a gimmick, Noah actually had a an arc with dinosaurs, and Eve was formed from one of Adam’s ribs, thus any female is truly a form of chattel, owned by men. Sometimes it just seems easier to make excuses for the addict…to tell those around us, the addict will soon get better, even though no action but ENABLING has taken place. Often times we run away from the topic, while the addict still suffers. Many times we also believe, leaving the addict to his or her own devices, might teach them a thing or two, surely changing their ways…We all suffer the consequences of lives wasted, we all suffer the consequences of those whose lives become empty or momentarily full while they enjoy their addiction…Its a life after all…not A life, but life!
Again, and again, the supposedly professional news outlets via the CBS/ABC/NBC and the newer kids on the block, the Cable News Networks, CNN/MSNBC (Not mentioning FOX, because after all how would one classify pure propaganda as anything but PURE PROPAGANDA), have become ENABLERS to anything and anyone Trump. Proudly and boastfully these news casters ACTUALLY repeat the lies, the fabrications, the pure narcissistic exaggeration, the imaginations of the Legion of Trump as subjects worth a debate. Trump brags his First Hundred Days, were better than anyone in the history books, and with sheer ignorance each and every news outlet provides a talking head to debate the lie, the factual ineptitude of a statement like that. As ENABLERS, these news outlets, permit Trump to demolish the democracy for his own selfish whims. Lies are not news, fabrication of truth is not news, letting these Trump Goons to embellish every single incorrect and motivated lie is like saying to the alcoholic friend, you might have a point, drinking vodka is definitely less debilitating as gin, its like saying to drug addict, perhaps you are correct, since the doctor prescribed your pain pill and you have abused it over and over again, it is still not like being as bad a Meth Head!
I am but a common man, a citizen and I realize how ENABLING the news outlets have become. Never debate anyone Trump…let them tell the lie. Take the words of the lie for example about the First Hundred Days; Compare and contrast the First Hundred Days of the last decade of presidents. No need for a debate, show the facts, and when anyone Trump begins to hoot and holler, be like Sargent Friday from the TV show ‘Dragnet’, and say, “Just the Facts Ma’am.”