Even for Rod Serling, the current events in which we, Americans find ourselves, would have been too weird to write a script, yet present it on television. But weird has lost its meaning, and relevancy in America 2017. There is trick to living each day, you find the clues letting you know what might be real versus what is a figment of the imagination of a puppet and his puppet master. Who’s have think that the Senate would go nuclear…who’s have thunk that the Speaker of the House passed a law penalizing its members of the House to protest in front of cameras on the House Floor. And who’d have thought we would be sending cruise missiles to Syria…UNLESS…
Now, bare with me, because what I am suggesting, has CONSPIRACY THEORY written all over it. Honestly, if we were not living in the Time of Trump, I would consider my own opinion too bizarre for a sane man…and currently I am maintaining the balance of sanity holding on to a very thin line.
Putin permitted Assad to attack his people with chemicals. It is a given, that Assad will not do anything unless his boss lets, him..as is the case with Putin’s other puppet Trump. Almost a week ago, Rex Tillerson, said that it would be up to the Syrian people to overthrow their dictator, Assad. Suddenly chemical weapons are used. At the same time at least a dozen Russian oligarchs or politicos are dying, all of whom have had some intervention with Trump or his campaign team. All of the sudden, the Dems have found a backbone and have finally brought to attention of the stupid just how much and what kind of influence Putin has had and still has on the White House. Too much buzz about THE RUSSIAN CONNECTION, Americans must be lulled into a delusional, red, white and blue moment, and what better then bombing the shit out of this nasty Arabs! does Trump care about the lives of our military or the Syrians, you know the ones he will not let find sanctuary…OF COURSE NOT…Its the ratings first, and secondly, as has been the case, Putin knows Americans suffer ADD, and it is NOW time to look at the next shiny object and to keep our eyes away from the rusted crown on our Emperors head. God Bless America!