Space: the final frontier. “These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before”.(Gene Roddenberry) On September 8, 1966, we heard that quote and began our voyage to a frontier full of mystery, mayhem, surprises and surreal journey’s. We also leaned from the Crew of the USS Star Ship Enterprise that life as we supposed it to be was not always as it was meant to be. Often times strange beings confronted the Star Ship Crew, and the most important thing for these men and women was to communicate with these aliens, hoping to better understand their voices and their intent. The various life forms could be hostile, friendly or very nonchalant and neutral, but it was almost as if the Star Ship Crew had to break a code, had to understand the purposes of the mechanics of their communication.
Well, America, we have a life force sitting in the Oval Office who often times is as difficult to understand as those creatures living in the furthest reaches of warp speed. But like Mr Spock and Captain Kirk, with enough due diligence and effort, the code by which this monster called Trump speaks can be broken and understood. Actually, it has become q very easy pattern to learn. This Trump thing is narcissist, so much so that even when he commits indiscretions, illegal actions, commits crime, he must brag about it, This monster called Trump must shed his truths to make room for more fiction to fill the voids of his body. It is almost like a snake who will shed its old skin to make room for growth to accommodate the next phase to its life. I refer to it as the Trump Code.
Basically, when Trump concocts a story about an enemy, it is usually incubated right after a truth is told about either Trump of his team. Trump will Tweet in third grade English something that sounds like, “If I am what about you.” Trump will lash out understanding that if he accuses others of the same thing he has done, then by doing everyone will think because Trump said it meaner, all the attention will be drawn away from him. If he has lied he insists or she is lyin’, or cheatin’. He has been successful in destroying enemies by his accusations. And recently Trump is shedding more lies by accusing Obama of leaking information, when in fact it was Trumps team who has committed those actions. And now he is blaming Loretta Lynch for misusing national Security information, just as his best bud Michael Flynn and god know who else has done. Mr Spock and Captain Kirk knew that before that reacted to the alien, they had to better understand what was being said. For me the easiest thing as to what illicit and illegal actions Trump has been and is involved in, is to just listen how he causes others of doing what he has done.