What an interesting twist of a plot. The United States had always been prepared for a war with Russia, not just a war bought a nuclear war. We had to be vigilant, we were told, the Russians surly want to invade our nation and will use their atomic arsenal to do so.
But in a strange juxtaposition of mere fact, it has been the Republican Party who actually nuked America and the fall out will be felt for women, the LGBT community, workers and the poor. A huge mushroom cloud exploded in the Senate Chambers and the radioactivity of the least popular president and his band of anarchists will be penetrating the rights, will and freedoms of America.
And then, on the other hand of of the juxtaposition of current events. The Russian’s did invade this nation, but without any atomic weapons. All it took was blackmail, old dollars and the hired hands of those who will do anything for profit.
Ya never quite know who your enemy is or how they will attack you!