IT TAKES A VILLAGE…and by God IT TOOK A VILLAGE! I have never been so sad for my neighborhood of Squirrel Hill and yet so proud of Squirrel Hill…watching them have the Accessory to a pre-meditated murder TRUMP have his contrived caravan have to change direction, because the humans in Squirrel Hill would NOT relent, nor move.
Back in the day, when it was not only considered a crime against Jesus to be a homosexual, but actually a government crime, many Gay men would have a girlfriend or a fiancé, and there was a derogatory term used back in those days that to describe that relationship…” that is his beard”…all seemed normal a man and a woman…well, Trump the Accessory to the murder of 11 innocent Jewish individuals brought his “BEARDS” with him to Pittsburgh. There they were Jared and Ivanka and Steve Mnuchin, so, of course, that meant Trump loves his Jews. He also brought his Immigrant wife but left his immigrant wife’s anchor baby back in DC. All three Jewish “BEARDS," have never once said publicly that IN FACT NO NAZI IS A GOOD NAZI, and none of his Jewish “BEARDS” have stopped Trump from his racist remarks against any minority. (I suppose as in Berlin and Rome if you are a wealthy Jew, you can somehow afford not burden yourself with anti-Semitism) And by the way, Trump did not wear a Kippah ( a Jewish head cover), certainly, because there was either not enough velcro to keep it plastered down, or wearing one might upset, even more, his White Nationalist Klan Cultists.
PR is a trick of the trade for the GOP, that and lying, stealing the vote, denying the vote, hacking the vote…and Mr. and Mrs. Kushner thought that the Accessory to a Pre-Meditated murder might look like a Mench in the eyes of the Jewish public. But it took the VILLAGERS to make the monster turn away. Trump tried for his 15 minutes of fame but need up with absolutely nothing but 15 minutes of shame. I am an American, I am Jewish, I am from Pittsburgh, and I am so PROUD to know my roots grew from the neighborhood of Squirrel Hill!