When Vladimir, wants his enemies dead, he has a cadre of ex-KGB agents silently poison the food, push off the balcony, crash into oncoming traffic, Vladimir then feigns regret, and knows that his collective of captive citizens will look the other way, or realize the power of a Nationalistic, Authoritarian, Dictator, and those who even mutter a sigh of sadness will be the next victim. When Vladimir decides that opposition provides the opportunity for dialogue, and even democracy, he rids his kingdom as quickly as possible, moving on for his next conquest.
Hitler was more open about his distaste for the perceived citizen enemy. He permitted his murderers to dress in Brown Shirts or wear an insignia, which when witnessed by anyone, would and could cause hysteria, real fear that an open mouth would lead to sudden death. The opposition was always the bad guy, and the opposition became anyone, in Hitler’s paranoid mind, decided was terrible. No need for a Fascist to even pretend consensus was a noun or a verb, it was VERBOTEN!
Today, our nation witnessed, without much pushback from anyone in the Russian led Republican Party a mass attempt of terrorist intimidation to the perceived political enemies, all of which have been listed on Trumps ENEMY LIST. Coincidence, that the names of those who received pipe bombs in the mail, were all Progressives/Liberals/Democrats and now the new word for the day Socialists…not one fucking reason at all. We all know, even the Russian led Republican Party that Trump is too mentally unstable to remain in the Oval Office, yet, our checks and balances will not stop him or remove him.
Aghast, agog, full of angst…it IS just going to get louder and larger as the Mid-Terms loom on the horizon!