Wow, Trump has a new lover, HIS name is Kim Jung-Un. Wonder what kind of groping will be going on, aside from dismantling any defensive missiles from the Korean Peninsula. Wow, Trump thinks he is Putin, announcing that HE trump has some compromising information on an aggressive Democrat Senator. Not only is Trump a fucking asshole, a fucking loser, and a crazy as fuck individual, but each day he remains in office his delusion becomes more disturbing.
Wow, Brett, the Boy Wonder, Kavanaugh, apparently got in touch with his CIRCLE of Friends, ahead of his second testimony before the so thing called a Senate Judiciary Committee (more like we will protect you, Brett, cause once the truth is found that WE the GOP are on the same puppet list as Trump, regarding the blackmail by Putin, you will protect us), so once again Brett perjured himself! But then still, wow, that is what the Republicans do. Lie, lie with great emotion, lie about your lie, and then blame someone else for making you lie in the first place.
Wow, Trump is still supporting his “Get Out of Jail Free Card,” nominee. How shocked and surprised we all should be! One might think that with all of the testimony against Brett, Trump could and should find another nominee! And then, my fellow Americans, there is that part about the Clintons and the Great Left Army of Soldiers out to undo what Brett believes is his God-given right, to become a Justice on the Supreme Court. (Kinda reminds me of Ted, the Prophet Cruz, who was specific Jesus, after talking to Heidi Cruz and Papa Cruz, deemed Ted to be the next Archangel.) Wow, we are living in the End Times for sure, and I am Jewish, and believe it is so!