Let's be clear…all of you MAGA wearing red hat minions…let's be clear all of you voters who decided that without any background knowledge, any fact, just a bunch of heresy and reality TV, who voted for Trump because he said he was the best…for all of you never Hillary…or Bernie or Bust…or third party…or idiots…or elections don’t matter…lets be clear, just so you can still live with yourself…that is IF you have grown a conscience…
A human was tortured. A human was tortured in a Saudi Embassy because aside from just being a human, he happened to be a journalist. And besides being a human who happened to be a journalist, he was reporting of the schemes, and crimes of the Saudi Government, trying to let the world understand just how deceitful and dangerous the Royal family was and is! This human, like the humans in Russia, North Korea, and the Philippines got in the way of a corrupt government, a dictatorial government, and for trying, to tell the truth, was tortured. Slowly, precisely, and with great pain.
And let's be clear…once again the guy YOU voted into office…well, the guy hacked into office…has no problem with the Saudi government’s action against a human being. Nope, as long as Trump and his Crime Family can make a few bucks, then who gives a fuck about the life of a human. And let's be clearer…come November 6, if you still vote for any Republican candidate, who has also NOT given one shit about the corrupt and unconscionable actions of Trump, regarding most humans who are not named Trump or Kushner…then You too are as evil and deplete of morals, values and a conscience… Trump can live with himself because he is a mentally ill man whose reality is based on his dick, the size of his hands, and money, lots and lots of money. So, if you still wear your MAGA hat proudly, you too are a participant in crimes against humanity. Just to be clear!