In her exit speech, Nikki Haley praised Trump and added that the nation has never been in better hands with both Ivanka and Jared Kushner in the White House, Nikki actually said Jared is a hidden genius! Upon hearing Nikki make her remarks, I had to find my bottle of Manischewitz Wine, left over from the Jewish holidays, and take a swig, of it, not only a swig of it but a giant gulp. For those who are not familiar, Manischewitz is a Kosher wine, so sweet that your teeth almost crack from just a drop of it, it is like drinking sugar dipped in sugar then fried in sugar.
Better hands, huh, Nikki, exactly whose hands are we talking about. You see Nikki, I am, among the many fantastic sums of my parts a Jewish man…and it seems since Trump and his Jewish son-in-law, (the hidden genius Jared, and his converted to Judaism daughter Ivanka) have been in the White House, Trump has defined some Nazi’s as good, there have been more swastikas placed on Jewish buildings, and White Supremacists have been more emboldened to accuse the Jews of everything from trying to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation to once again controlling the banks and wealth of the world. And you know what Nikki, neither Jared, the genius or his genius wife Ivanka, have dome one damn thing to stop the madness!
Mr. and Mrs. Kushner is nepotism at its worst…Mr. And Mrs. Kushner is a part of an organized attempt to pay a little amount of taxes as possible…Mr. And Mrs. Kushner, remain silent while Jews, People of Color, Women, and Immigrants are called the enemy continuously, victimized, and accused of being enemies of the state. Nikki, honestly, I am not sure what the deal was with the conservatives for you to get the job at the UN, and I am not quite sure if you will become a Talking Head at FOX, run for Ms. Lindsey Graham’s Senate seat, or even become an officer of anything Trump Corporation…but I do understand this much…your time at the UN will go down in history just as poorly as the entire Trump administration and your lack of empathy and enlightenment will be a running joke. For your information Nikki, anti-anti-Semitism has been on the rise while Jared and Ivanka have been hidden geniuses in the White House. Maybe you too have had too much Manischewitz Wine to drink. Nikki, you are just one more useless idiot!