Deja Vu number, 3284, with a few OMG’s and a lot of Really’s! Here we go again, everyone from Steve Kornacki of MSNBC to Nate Silver of 538 to almost each and every paid Talking Head…the Blue Wave is coming…the TSUNAMI of BLUE is headed this way on November 6, 2018…just like the Hillary wave of 2016…remember that wave! It was shock and awe, not Bush Junior style, but sheer Russian and RNC voodoo and trickery, instead of a Hillary victory. She won by at least 3 million votes and lost the election by less than 80,000 votes due to the maneuvering of votes in three or four states… Shock and Awe, no one saw it coming, and then when they witnessed it, they all pontificated and placed blame on poor Hillary, or unpopular Hillary, or Bernie, or Jill Stein (Bernie or bust and Jill Stein didn’t help the situation) but no one NO ONE understood that the 2016 election was rigged, hacked and handled by Putin his Oligarchs and the paid to play Republican Party. We were sobered the next day, days weeks, those of us who assumed democracy was truly dominated in this nation. How could this have happened, we wondered…until the truth began to eek out like the ooze of Three Mile Island as it imploded and died…
Once again, the American public, and the media, and the Talking Heads are arrogant enough to even consider, that there will be a BLUE WAVE. Deja Vu number 3284, we are lulled into believing that since we became aware of Russian hacking and collusion that nothing like that again will take place in our country. We this how? Is it because nothing of substance has been put in place by the Federal Government to stop? Is it because if we say it over and over again it won’t happen? Is it because we think the Republicans learned their lesson and since they stole another Supreme Court Justice, their appetite is too full to eat anything else? OMG, seriously, if I hear one more Talking Head, talk about THE BLUE WAVE, I will die! This is Trump and McConnell’s America folks…it is not a safe place for democracy!
Listen closely to the tweets of Trump, his narcissism is so grand that he ALWAYS tells us what he is up to, pretending that what he is saying is just an angry blast at his enemies. Trump told us Dems will vote for Republicans…McConnell stated that this whole Kavanaugh thing will blow over…and on Monday, October 8, 2018, we just learned that now along with the Russians, an Israeli analytics firm was contacted to help with false identities. WE HAVE DONE NOTHING…NOTHING to secure our vote…and on top of that Trump announced that he Rob Rosenstein were buds, why not, once Kavanaugh was sworn in the entire system of checks and balances died…I want that BLUE WAVE, but let's stop being naive and pretending that by saying it, by wishing it, it will happen…This is the wld west once again and the bad guys with the guns can and will walk into the voting booths and steal the results one more time!