OBVIOUSLY, all of the mothers, Trump has expressed concern, regarding their young sons, could give one fucking shit about the behavior of their young sons, because OBVIOUSLY by supporting Trump these mothers have no self-respect for women in the first place. OBVIOUSLY, the same mothers who applaud a self-claimed harasser of women and who grabs them by the “pussy," give one shit about their own bodies and most likely will encourage their young sons to act like their hero Trump. And OBVIOUSLY, these same mothers will probably find it a badge of pride if in fact their daughters are groped and sexually harassed, because, OBVIOUSLY, it is a man’s world and a woman job to pleasure his needs, no matter how self-indulgent they may be.
OBVIOUSLY, like most anything regarding Trump the audience in Mississippi were paid extras, given MAGA hats to pretend that they too had no morals or values by supporting a man who is now caught in even more shams, and criminal activities. OBVIOUSLY, the audience in Mississippi were asked to leave their white robes and pointed caps at home, just to make sure the paid people of color were not immediately lynched.
OBVIOUSLY, if this whole Kavanaugh selection were a truthful enterprise to find the next best Supreme Court Justice, real background checks would have been performed, and the public would have been made aware. OBVIOUSLY, Brett wants to join the trump fraternity really severely and has pledged to the Emperor his total allegiance, denigrating the Constitution and will keep Trump and his Crime Family out of jail. And just as OBVIOUSLY, Treasonous Mitch will receive a bonus from his masters like the Mercer family when he delivers only one more anarchist for Christ to sit on the higher court in the land.
OBVIOUSLY, the mere fact that the White House has not given explicit directions to the FBI to investigate this whole farce, there are many facts which demonstrate that Brett the Brat is not such a good boy after-all. It has always OBVIOUSLY been the chosen path of trump and his Republican blackmailed politicians, to ignore justice and fairness in favor of perks from their puppet masters.
And finally, it is OBVIOUSLY apparent that if you think for one minute that Brett Kavanaugh, who proclaimed the Clinton’ George Soros and the army of Left as terrorists out to get him, that he is OBVIOUSLY, the most inept, and irresponsible man to sit on the Supreme Court.