“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Martin Luther King Jr
“The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If I read, or watch or listen to one more Talking Head pontificating about some kind of Blue Tsunami about to overtake this nation come election day in the year 2018, my own head will explode and splatter! If I receive one more pleading text or email from almost every campaign from a Democrat or progressive candidate, explaining to me that just three more dollars will make the difference, and the Blue Wave will arrive on the shores of Washington, I will implode. If I hear all of this talk about the Mid-Term elections, and one polling number telling me this and another statistician explaining that… if I understand any more about how this IS our year to turn the country away from the dystopian Trumpian Republican Dictatorship…without acknowledgment as to the current and continuous anti-democracy attempts by the GOP to block the voting rights of the citizens of various states and counties…I will go crazy.
COME ON AMERICA. This time, it isn’t even being hidden in the recesses of some Kremlin-backed factory, the states in which there are a Republican legislature and Governor, are conveniently quelling the voter's rights and denying people of color and college students a fair chance at the ballot. We are watching states like Texas, Georgia, Florida, and Indiana, rob its citizens the right to vote by establishing phony laws, and undemocratic procedures.
PLEASE, PLEASE, we had this kind of discussion after the sudden and profound loss in 2016. We wondered we worried, we ruminated, we ranted, and raved. I could give a shit about Kanye, I could give two shits about poor Melania, I could give three shits about the KKK rally’s held by Trump! The ballot boxes are being stolen, the ability to vote restricted. The Republicans UNDERSTAND how democracy works against them, so they have rigged the system…and all I hear from the other side is JUST WAIT for that BLUE TSUNAMI. It will take a whole lot more than just bragging to win…especially while the GOP is planting landmines and dams!