I tried…honestly decided that I needed a day off from wondering about the future of this nation, and its citizens…then, even as much I did my best to avoid any contact with any kind of communications…it happened!
Trump, playing his batshit crazy card of Tweeting his truth, but disguising it as the fault of others, declared that the Dems are the haters of justice, the deniers of law, the enemy of the state…KellyAnne was permitted to nonstop lie, invited by too many morning shows to incite riots, and rant about her ridiculous boss…Melania had her hissy fit telling us, or someone who writes her crazy shit, telling us to pay no attention to her wardrobe, but appreciate her actions! I was surrounded by the bad guys and saw absolutely no place to hide out, and knew if even for one day I did hide out…that would be one day too many wasted not trying to make the world normal again.
Then a friend of mine reposted an article about the new trend of placing Swastika's at Jewish Community Centers, and I of course in my original rant, blamed the guy who said there are good Nazi’s and bad Nazi’s, and I also placed substantial blame on the Jewish donors and the Jewish family, and the Jewish Cabinet members or advisors, for enabling anti-Semitism to grow strong again. My friend, it seemed had a response from a Trump loving stupid person, who got all pissy, saying that why didn’t anyone blame Obama for causing a rift in this nation…HUH, WTF…To do good is bad, to be bad is good…Is that the trump trick, is it that easy.
I realized that those mesmerized by lousy behavior, bigoted remarks, biased actions, are a lost cause…hate it seems is now cool…to hate everyone who you assume is not like you even cooler! I hemmed and hawed, I didn’t want to get upset, because right now, all I can do becomes upset…it seems Mitch McConnell has managed to control the temperament of this nation, while Trump pushes this nation to the verge of a Civil War.
I am not sure that the rising Blue Tide predicted for this November will actually be more than a tiny ripple of water…there are too many tricks up Putin/Tump/McConnell’s sleeves to let the Mid-Terms turn this nation blue. I amazed at how naive we all act, thinking that if Hillary won by more then 3 million votes, but lost the Electoral College, by a mere 80 thousand votes…somehow the accounting of ballots will be any different once the Mid-Term Polling places are hacked again. I honestly did not want to rant or rave, but somehow screaming in my blog eases a bit of the pain…What can we do folks to save our souls?