Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose
Loveliness extreme…The line is from Gertrude Stein's poem Sacred Emily, written in 1913 and published in 1922. When asked what she meant by the line, Stein said that in the time of Homer, or of Chaucer, "the poet could use the name of the thing and the thing was really there." As memory took it over, the thing lost its identity, and she was trying to recover that!
Loveliness extreme…The line is from Gertrude Stein's poem Sacred Emily, written in 1913 and published in 1922. When asked what she meant by the line, Stein said that in the time of Homer, or of Chaucer, "the poet could use the name of the thing and the thing was really there." As memory took it over, the thing lost its identity, and she was trying to recover that!
But nowadays, a rose is not a rose, IS not a rose…when black men wearing hoodies collect identifying themselves as members of Black Lives Matter, they are called THUGS, dangerous degenerates, a group to be feared, a group whose only purpose is to disrupt and disturb our democracy…when white men wearing red hats with the letters M-A-G-A printed on the brim, and they attack journalists/threaten reporters/and chant “lock her up”, they are considered just harmless dudes, who might have had a bit too much to drink at the time, and we are to placate and appreciate their homegrown patriotism.
When a same-sex couple wants to adopt a child, raise the child in a loving home, provide an orphaned, or unwanted child a place of safety and security, the American Taliban, I mean the American Christian Crusaders become catatonic, decry the audacity, become belligerent, berating and bemoaning that any kind of love can or will ever come from parents both of the same sex…but silence, which is golden to the American Taliban when it comes to protecting opposite-sex couples, is so deafening, not a word about adulterous parents, thieves, con artists, fathers teaching their offspring to lie and cheat, mothers whose own selfish endeavors include permitting family units to be torn apart, children to be caged, and permitting many children to rot in foster care.
Fact is no longer a permissible argument. If the truth is not suitable for a criminal behavior, then it must be a phony argument, used to defame, used to undermine, used as a debate as to what is true anyway, at least if you are a Republican politician, or a Corporation given the unlikely birth certificate by a biased Supreme Court, announcing that you are a person. The Democrats use facts, but they are the Enemy of the State because all they want to do is insist that Trump is an illegitimate and illegal President. The Constitution is only valid if it is breached if it is permitted to stand for some kind of foundation of morals and values, it is only a piece of paper. If it is used to allow bias and bigotry to pervade the American landscape, because it suits the purposes of the GOP, and its ultra-wealthy donors, who provide green money as well as dark money, then not only is the CONSTITUTION a wondrous document, it actually was signed and sealed by General Jesus Christ himself.
We, as a nation still debate if Trump was compromised, after almost a dozen felony charges against the gang of goon working for him. We as a nation are to overlook, that Jared Kushner can’t get his stories straight and still doesn’t have a real security clearance, yet he and his Princess wife Ivanka have privy to the most private of American Governmental details. And we are supposed to look the other way when Trump has private conversations with Putin, or when he still hasn’t reported to the public regarding the details of the death of Jamal Khashoggi, or when the entire idea of the emolument’s clause is ignored by the Trump Crime Family, or when the people of Puerto Rico are still suffering from the lack of concern by anyone Trump.
And then we are told there is a crisis at the Southern Border, drugs, rapists, bad people, very bad people crossing over…at the same time NOT from the Southern Border, the Sackler Family developed Oxycontin with the intention of permitting stronger and stronger doses to be prescribed, NOT from the Southern Border, the Russians/Ukrainians/and Saudi’s fly into New York City, or Mar-A-Lago, Florida or Washington DC, and a bunch of white guys shoots up schools, universities, parks, plaza’s, movie theaters, most not located at the Southern Border. So, I say again, a Rose IS not a Rose, ever again!