I have to wonder, is it the SIN or the SINNER, that counts as something bad, something evil, something wrong? Three leaders of the Commonwealth of Virginia have been accused either of Racist behavior or misogynist misbehavior. All three have responded in a variety of ways, and all three are now under constant scrutiny, as they should…but then I must BEG the question is it the SIN or the SINNER. Or better yet, should the question be asked is it the Republican or the Democrat who is to be judged, no matter what the SIN, but as long as he or she can be called the SINNER!
How many Republicans have gone on record as patronizing, womanizing, and acting in such misogynistic manner, from having extramarital affairs, denying women the right to their own reproductive rights, to mansplaining how the world of Andy of Mayberry and Eisenhower is supposed to work. Trump has bragged about touching women in their vagina’s, having sex with other women while married. Trump and his Cabinet have declared “brown skin” as rapists, murderers, thieves, and drug dealers. Mitch McConnell has a photo of him standing proudly with a member of the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, standing in front of a cacophony of Confederate memorabilia, of course with an official NRA rifle in hand. Steve King brags about White Nationalism and we are told by the GOP leadership, well, there ain’t much we can do because the people of his district elected him. Jeff Sessions was a member of the KKK.
We have people like Ted Cruz and a host of Republicans who is insisting that abortion is wrong and want to pass legislation making abortion murder, telling us that a Fetus is a life…yet these same Republican politicians have no qualms in supporting the separation of families, the caging of children, the murder of innocent children by the Border Patrol, and the continuous cut back of Food Assistance Programs, Affordable Pre-School, and of course the elimination of the Affordable Health Care Act! We have the Evangelicals screaming and demanding that the LGBTQ population deserve to be treated as non-humans, because of their chosen lifestyle, (which of course was chosen when they were conceived by heterosexual parents), but the chosen lifestyle of adulterers, or parents who kick their kids out of the house, or parents who raise their children to lie and cheat and ignore any kind of nurturing. And of course there is the Bill Clinton sin of having sex with Monica and lying about it, but the over 3000 lies of a man who committed adultery at least two times and is an agent of an enemy of this nation are just a bunch of baloney.
Yes, the Virginian Governor, Lt Governor and Attorney General are all out of line and should be removed…but look at the Republican politicians, lying to the public, receiving donations from Oligarchs, avoiding their Constitutional duties of checks and balances…so I BEG the question again, America…IS IT THE SIN or the SINNER or is it merely a matter of Democrat OR Republican!