New Scary Words: Way back in the …one day I was in an antique store and the dapper lady dressed in a very plaid skirt, the salesperson, with a with blouse with a cute white bow adorning the front of her tailored blouse and high knee socks, leading down to her Papagallo shoes, looking like the photos of the girls in my graduating class Yearbook, extended her hand and said welcome to the Mid Century Antique Store…we have items from those grand old days of the 1950’ and 1960s. Fuck, I thought to myself, I was born in 1949, and graduated high school in 1967, I am a Mid-Century Man…OY!...but I digress… back in the Mid Century, there were Scary Words, they sounded like this…”Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party”…once those Scary Words were spoken, the recipient of those words understood during that time period, he or she, was in great trouble, because, a Republican Senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy with absolutely no kickback from anyone in the Federal Government, decided he needed an Enemy of the State, and the Scary Word he would use to define, the Enemy of the State was a Communist, or as they used to say, some more Scary Words…”I’d rather be DEAD than a RED…
Times have changed, and with the advent and nurturing, blackmailing, and payoffs, the laundering of money for the Trump Businesses and the Trump Crime Family, being a Red is not being Dead, it is, in fact, the new Republican Party, the new Confederacy, and the new path to destruction of democracy…we see that we know that…and yet even with our supposed “check and balances”, we have not stopped the Red tide. But once again I digress because…
The Newest Scary Words, used NOW, by the GOP, is a simple phrase, that does relate to the 1970s, it is called The Socialist Manifesto…Very SCCCCCCARRRRY Words, reminiscent of Cuba and Castro, the North Viet Nemeses and Ho Chi Minh, the Russians in East Germany…Socialism a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
The wealth divide in this nation has grown further and further, wider and wider, and with the all of the new Tax Laws and the contemplation of even more perks for the very wealthy, the divide is growing at such a rate that it seems nothing can or will lessen it. (And now Mick Mulvaney, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Tea Party guy, who insisted that the Devil is a Deficit)is using his other side of his Republican Hypocritical Mouth to say “MEH, Deficit, Mef-Acit). The Dems, now in power in the House, a new breed of Dems, disagree and want to make a America not great again, but affordable, greener, healthier, and a bit more fair on the playing field. (The latest terror now realized by the GOP is that their much-touted Tax Plan is leaving the average taxpayer with no refund and in fact a payment due of more money due to the Government) So NOW, instead of the Republicans using the SCARY WORDS of the Mid Century of “Are you now or have you ever been a Member of the Communist Party”, they are throwing out their updated SCARY WORDS: The Dems have a Socialist Manifesto, and the end of the world is neighed! Get ready America, because now, chumming up to Communists like Putin and his slaves the billionaire Oligarchs is cool, but an original ideal from the Founder of the Communist philosophy, Marx Socialism is now a really scary word. Look around, America, the government already determines much of our lives, food safety, at one-time environmental safety, standards and practices in medicine, public schools, etc, etc…but Evil Doers need a scapegoat to hide behind, and the newest Scary Words will be Socialist Manifesto)
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