Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Mother Hood

To Mother Pence, Karen, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump Kushner, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders, Kristjen Nielsen, imagine, if you can, (that would mean you all would actually have a conscience, and that, due to your current behavior is a question not easily answered), what price would you pay to be reunited with your children, if the Government, under the leadership of a narcissistic, insecure, maniac, person with a disorder of lying as if each lie was the truth. To Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, Ainsley Earnhardt, how devastated would you be, if you were told, under no circumstances can the government spend any more time or money in reuniting the children, YOUR children absconded and kidnapped, tortured and tormented by selfish moron, following the orders of an enemy of the state to cause internal strife, and erosion of anything looking or feeling like democracy.

All of your MOTHERS seem to live in an IVORY TOWER, high above the rot and ruin ALL of your either promote, pretend to excuse or insist is all just more political reasoning to keep a despot in power…thinking your fame and fortune as the bad GAL will pay off…placing power and prestige before the true empathy, sympathy, nurture, and love of being a MOTHER.

How do you dare kiss your own kids goodnight for fear they might absorb your poison venom and die from a virus, so virulent and vile, that all you provide is a façade of what it means to be a parent, a MOTHER…shame on all of you hypocrites…but for people like you, shame is way to easy, way too simple to con yourself out of…you all applaud Trump’s evil, Trumps empty soul…Pro-Life, you all proudly claim to be…but not the lives of the children who from the  moment they were separated, or caged or abused, or abandoned…no they are just collateral in maintaining, a fraud remaining in power, and your 15 minutes of fame, and for folks like you Ivanka millions of laundered money, dirty filthy money.

Wishing you all go to Hell, would give Hell a bad name!