It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine? Could you be mine?...(Mr. Rogers)
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine? Could you be mine?...(Mr. Rogers)
Sunday, February 17, 2019, the National Emergency has been declared, another abuse of power by the man for whom little background check was ever taken, and word of mouth (HIS), had been the only source of any evidence he was the perfect fit to make America great…AGAIN. We once tried making America great…AGAIN, by refusing 900 Jewish asylum seekers from Germany traveling on the MS St. Louis to enter the USA during the reign of terror by Hitler and the Nazi’s. We once again tried to make America great…AGAIN, by corralling up all of the Japanese Americans during WWII, the internment of Japanese Americans in the United States during World War II was the forced relocation and incarceration in concentration camps in the western interior of the country of between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry, most of whom lived on the Pacific coast. We tried to make AMERICA great yet another time when on the first day of term, the national guard was there to stop the nine entering Central High, in Little Rock Arkansas where all 1,900 attendees were white. Three weeks later, on 25 September, the group braved a hostile white crowd, climbed the school steps and were escorted to class by US army troops. They became known and revered as the Little Rock Nine…From the murders of the Indigenous people of North America, to the indignation of the Southern Slave owners to remove slaves from their possession, to the lynching of Negro’s, to the signs on property stating No Blacks, No Jews, No Catholics and No Dogs on all white neighborhood lawns, to the questioning of are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party, to the sheer homophobic arrogance of President Nancy Reagan and her First husband Ronnie, in ignoring the HIV/AIDS crisis…we have always tried our best to make America great…AGAIN, and AGAIN!
I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you.
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you. (Mr. Rogers)
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you. (Mr. Rogers)
Sunday morning, February 17, 2019, LA’s winter storms filled with, rain, rain, and more rain have moved east and the skies of this city, after a storm, showcasing a collection blue hue brilliant and bright welcomed those of us who find mornings a little more magical filled with less mystery and mayhem. Walking, my dog Chance, taking a new zig-zag route (Chance is always seeking the finest of dog pee aromas, and will go to great lengths to sniff than pee over them), I discovered new ways America had been made great…AGAIN. Huddled under a tarp and a few blankets of thin cotton was a person, who one shoe was off and the other used as a pillow. Two young kids were packing up their sleeping bags, and a collection of blue plastic bags. An older lady was having an argument with, I suppose her lover, the imaginary kind, and apparently, he had jilted her, for someone younger, as this lady was screaming that he was a fucking pervert for liking young girls. A man bent halfway over feet dangling from one of those multipurpose black trash bins, next to him on the ground, two black bags bulging with the shapes of plastic bottles of water or maybe it was Gatorade.
On this continued National Emergency, Trump is still playing golf at Mar-A-Lago…Talking heads all coiffed and dressed in the let's bull shit a bit more suits and dresses were looking well rested on the sets of every imaginable cable News show…Members of both Houses of Congress had no worries about paying their bills, while Federal Contract Employees are without enough money to pay their mortgage, or rent, or food, or health insurance… “It's such a good feeling, to know you're alive. It's such a happy feeling;
You're growing inside. And when you wake up ready to say:
I think I'll make a snappy new day. It's such a good feeling, A very good feeling.”(Mr. Rogers)
You're growing inside. And when you wake up ready to say:
I think I'll make a snappy new day. It's such a good feeling, A very good feeling.”(Mr. Rogers)