How there SHOULD be a State of the Union Address, tonight or ever, delivered by a man who IS an agent, let me be clear a COMPROMISED AGENT of Russia, is beyond my understanding. There is nothing in the Constitution insisting this event happen, and as long as Trump and his Crime Administration is under investigation for criminal activities and treasonous activity, I am not quite clear why Nancy Pelosi, invited a hacked in criminal to address this nation (a nation he could give a rat’s ass in concern or care!) So another reality TV event will take place and lie upon lie will ensue.
But who am I but an American worried as hell about a spy in the White House? But here is the thing…if Trump declares a National Emergency, he will be correct in doing so, but incorrect, if he assumes that National Emergency is emerging from our Southern Border…In fact, there is a National Emergency and it is occurring in the District of Columbia, and its origins are from Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and perhaps Turkey…none of which are people with brown skin, nor speak Spanish!
So, Stacy Abrams, when you provide the Democrat response tonight, and if in fact Trump plays his usual narcissistic rant and rave about a wall, he has promised to his minions of MAGA morons…please let America understand the real threat, the real emergency started the day Putin blackmailed TRUMP and the Oligarchs paid off almost every single Republican elected politician. Let the truth be heard!