The arrogant ignoramus growing orangery and orangery by the day (most presidents get gray, and wrinkled…even George W, from real stress and angst from having so much power, and considering the rest of the country’s concern), now has informed the nation that he has “set the table,” (what the fuck does that mean), and no matter what the Congress may come up with in regards to the TRUMP WALL, he TRUMP, will most likely declare a National Emergency, and in his condescending manner, will screw any negotiations, and the process that took place. Of course, TRUMP blames Nancy Pelosi, but then with TRUMP, there is always a scapegoat for his own inadequacies. How convenient, that TRUMP says he will wait until February 15th, to suddenly invent an emergency, because, by that time, he will have been able to stand in front of his adoring GOP (you know the spineless political party funded by Oligarchs and blackmailed by Putin) and strut his stuff…all of which will be one lie after the other, followed by more lies, and the grand finale, being if I think it (because I am the smartest person alive), it is not a lie. So, the MAGA maniacs will have reason celebrate, and more pieces of democracy will crumble…UNLESS of course, the Senate OVERRIDES TRUMPS veto of a bi-partisan plan, and ALSO, if McConnell is removed from power, and the Congress fights TRUMPS imaginary crisis.
And then this: it seems along with facts, you know Kellyanne Conway introduced the theme of alternate facts, collusion, Rudy told us that there is no law against colluding, if your intention was not to collude, the definition of business, IS now facing new meaning. Trump Tower in Moscow, was never a business deal because TRUMP never spent any money. According to the dimwit, half-brained, hacked, Russian compromised agent, business is nothing if there is no money exchanged. Get it…TRUMP can talk about building a TRUMP TOWER in MOSCOW, but if there was no money exchanged, it was just a luncheon on the green lawns of the Kremlin.
And here we are: TRUMP remains able to destroy America, lie, redefine OUR reality, and all seem to be able to do is watch as the speeding truck rushes past the stop sign and T-Bones directly into our democracy. I just don’t understand. I really don’t!