so·cial·ism a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. cap·i·tal·ism an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
prop·a·gan·da information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
So, the new scary word, presented to the average American, is SOCIALISM! A word from the Cold War era, with lots of nightmarish meanings and spooky endings. God Damn It (the same GOD the Evangelicals swear has selected or is the word chosen ) Trump to be in the Oval Office…SOCIALISM will lead to such horrific things a COMMUNISM. (HMM Putin controls Trump, and a select few of the Republican leadership…Putin was the KGB Director of the former Soviet Union…the former Soviet Union bragged about Communism as being the purest form of governing…Trump is a compromised Agent or better Spy for Putin, and Putin still loves his Communist Despot Dictator Ways…there are more Russian Oligarchs entering the country NOT from the Southern Border, paying the GOP leadership, and somehow VIA the Right Wing PROPAGANDA machine, we are told to BE AFRAID, VERY AFRAID, that SOCIALISM is going to replace CAPITALISM! So, as Ricky Riccardo would often times say to his wife, “Lucy, you got some ‘splaining to do!” If CAPITALISM is the end all, why then has the government controlled the TAX CODE, so that the wealthy pay less, and fewer taxes, while the not so wealthy pay more and more. I kind of consider the mere fact that the Government has decided to keep the wealthy, wealthier, and the poor, poorer, we are experiencing SOCIALISM disguised as the ever virtuous, CAPITALISM! Think about it for a moment. Who controls the TAX LAWS…our fucking government, paid and presented for your consideration by the 1% and the Corporations who, by GOVERNMENT decree are PEOPLE! Hmmmm…
And one more thing: Most people who have ever watched a horror movie, understand that you never run into a dark room, never run to either the basement or the attic, and certainly NEVER run into the garage where lots of sharp, no VERY SHARP tools are hanging…it just makes sense…BUT the GOP and Trump, are almost begging the lemmings who voted for Trump and the GOP to trust them when it comes to taxes. Our Putin puppets (Trump and GOP) are saying don’t pay attention to paying more on your Income Taxes this year (you know the Trump Income Taxes we have yet to see), go into that dark room, that basement, that attic that garage, and trust us, because eventually you WILL see more money in your paycheck…How many times have horror movies shown us never trust the EVIL!