Tuesday, February 12, 2019


A 2020 Trump/Pence rally was held in El Paso, on Monday evening, under the guise of an important outreach toward the city of El Paso city based on factless propaganda to bolster the ego of a narcissist, and pathological liar, and to build a fire for bigots who will use any excuse to hate. The truth was never told, lies were scattered like the leaves of an Oak tree during the winds of an autumn storm, and the minions of MAGA morons gleefully absorbed each and every carefully crafted bit of bullshit. One MAGA maniac was so moved by the rotten rhetoric spewing from the anal shaped lips of Trump, that he decided to cold punch a BBC videographer from behind, demonstrating just what a coward he, the MAGA moron was and just how insidious, and sinister Trump’s intentions toward the freedoms of America really are.

DTJ (also known as Beevus or Donald Jr.) introduced his Russian Compromised Agent father, by trying to belittle and bully the Teaching Professionals, stating how those stupid teachers have no respect for true Conservative thought. DTJ, a friend of many a despot, and recipient of mucho Oligarchical blackmail money, the guy who was raised on greed, gluttony, and a father who had an adulterous affair while married to his mother, the guy who though S&L, was Saturday Night Live, and who finds stealing from Charity designated toward children with Cancer, lucky enough to be born after his father, but unlucky enough just to be a Trump, has no idea of the meaning of Conservatism, nor does he have an inkling of the definition of democracy! Because, to date, anyone trump has gotten away with high crimes and misdemeanors, money laundering and tax evasion, little DTJ, all cocky and full of himself, had himself a good ole’ time pretending that he is a Prince. (Little does DTJ understand that Princess Ivanka and HER PRINCE, Jerod, are the true Children of the Corn)

And all the while THAT was happening, the Media was busy discussing on the many ways the females from the Democrat Party, running for president, have, not eaten chicken with their fingers, been nasty to their personal staff, are too cold emotionally to attract a good vibe from the crowd, or are just not masculine enough to carry the weight of the office of Commander-In-Chief! Oh dear God, nothing but bull shit always seems to be the priority, for the news industry. Kind of makes you weary and makes me worry!