Just asking for a friend…how many dead bloated bodies need to be found at the water’s edge before the ICE Agent Brown Shirts and Border Patrol Gestapo American citizens stop saying I was just following orders? How many more females have to come forward alleging rape, groping, and intrusion on their bodies by Trump before the Evangelicals have decided more Conservative Judges in America is not what Jesus wanted as a trade-off for a Psychopathic Misogynist as commander-in-chief, such a DJT! How many more foreign powers, (mostly enemies of the United States have to load their lobbyists with gifts for the Republican grifters, or hack, highjack or insert themselves into the polling places of the US before the American voter (yep GOP voters you are still a part of America)…How afraid IS Jesus of the GAY, or the female wanting HER power over HER body, or those People of Color (most likely a variation of o the hue’s and tones of Jesus himself, who are HUMAN, or when will God finally cry, because HIS Earth is dying from those who love to use HIM as a scapegoat to ignore REAL LIFE…And the same friend wants to know…when will the Dems, stop parading around in their Primary Stops all over the place and GATHER as ONE and insist as ONE voice ALL of America look at the New Nazi Germany situated in the Concentration Camps in Texas and those hidden in other God forsaken places? Just wondering…