Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize-winning British author William Golding. The book focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their disastrous attempt to govern themselves. Golding wanted to show in Lord of the Flies the choice that we make between civilization and order and evil and anarchy. The book shows human evil throughout the book and tells how we have to make a choice to try to better society and help others or to seek power over others and work to fill our own agendas.
Back to basics, my honeymoon is finished, the part of my marriage between politics and real life…to be selfish, my real life…and to be humble and sincere, the lives of my children and the generations to follow…PERHAPS!
The Democrat Party is on an island located somewhere between the so-called “Heartland of America, the Urban Jungle, the South never quite died but IS rising again, and the actual non -state, but very integral city/state known as Washington DC. Over two dozen men and women inhabit this Island so far, and the only product they have been able to mass produce is mass chaos, among themselves. They each seem to own a compass, but the little pointy thing has no idea of how to locate, North, South, East West, let alone Compromise and Consensus! The Island of the Democrat Presidential Party Contenders wants to install morals, values, ethics, justice, and equality as a peace offering to its neighbor The Rest of America, but in doing so they have only succeeded in tripping over themselves. Fighting for the anti-discrimination of almost every possible demographic, let alone the Earth and its natural abundance, (at least one time abundance of flora, fauna, environment and the creatures of the land sea and skies), the Island of Democrat Contenders for President have done little more than present a slideshow of “You said the wrong thing”, ”You were not sincere enough or inclusive enough when you said it!”, “You flipped than flopped because you are too old, too much a novice, lack a backbone,” OR No matter how you plan to prepare the meal we need many more cooks in the kitchen!
And now, once again the Talking Heads who brought us, Trump, via all their special knowledge, polling information, catering to the each and every whim of Trump, and loathing of Hillary, are developing in-fighting, just like the Boys in Lord of the Flies.
Every single moral standard, be it religious/cultural/practical/political has been raped, ruined and robbed by the Republicans, and those who still are not ashamed of identifying as the GOP could give one big shit. But here we go as the Democrat, eating our own! And we will wonder how the hell did Trump/Pence win in 2020!