Monday, June 3, 2019


To all the Fetal Heartbeat Republican Crusaders for Christ, the ones who know that Jesus, provides blessings when a woman is raped by her father, brother, or the junkie down the street, for all of you who pretend that the god you worship, care about life, how come your God stops all of you Legislators in your tracks from initiating laws and rules that help the six week heartbeat fetus, live a life of affordable health care, a clean environment, nutritious meals and information on maintaining a budget to pay for healthy food. All you Christian Comrades, busy playing God with a female's reproductive system, how come when the six-week fetus heartbeat is outside the womb, let’s say pre-school age or even elementary school age, you somehow have no concern about the heart that beats in that body? And to all of you Jesus loves a good rape or loves himself a little bit of family incest rape, where is Jesus when the fetus is of color, let’s say brown, and is torn from its parents, or molested, or tortured or die in the hands of a government who feigns Christian principles but instead uses hate and bigotry? Is Jesus, just concerned with the rape, and like you say the rest of your life is your problem, not mine. You are fools, and the more you blame Jesus for your own insecure, inhuman hypocrisy, the more it should make any REAL Christian SCREAM…but then again, there DOES seem to be silence from far too many Christians regarding this issue.

Oops, “my bad”, there are two self-proclaimed Christians who have spoken loudly, about the fact that their Jesus is not quite so Godly…Franklin Graham has declared that today, June 3, 2019, we all pray for Trump…you know the adulterer, the guy who participates in money laundering, communicating and working for foreign enemies, who will grab women by their private genitals, who lies then lies again and then lies about the last lie. I guess it is just the six-week heartbeat that concerns Jesus? And then there is some douchebag Cardinal all hissy about Catholics participating in any and all Gay pride events. Once again he diminishes Jesus because according to this guy all dressed in his finest robe, fondling little boys and girls are cool for his God, but celebrating other people’s freedom and equality is not. Silence by the Christian community against men like Trump/Graham and some douchebag Cardinal IS deadly…because those Three Stooges are awfully loud spewing hate!