This is your VERY blond white woman, your bleached blond VERY white man, your occasional darker haired woman, (with of course very, very long hair) and some men who may have not yet dyed their hair, but don’t come across as too ethnic, unless it is Aryan, OR your person of color, preferably not too blackish nor brownish, and so far nothing with that “ORIENTAL” kind of coloring, reporting the Kellyanne Conway alternate facts, the Sarah HUCKABEE Sanders (can you believe she uses the same mouth from which she spews lies upon lies, to kiss her children goodnight), version of transparency, and of course the ever Racist and Raucous Laura Ingraham and Sean (Oligarch) Hannity OBVIOUS PROPAGANDA, reporting to you that Iran has and will and should and always shall try and murder America…no matter what! Providing the best that Photoshopping can provide, brought to you by the same slime who managed to slander, slaughter and single-handedly hack an election in 2016…This IS us, telling you who the Babadook, Boggy Man, and Banshee are in the world, aside from Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Bette Midler, John McCain’s ghost, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN and any other Democrat running for president in 2020! This IS OUR story and we will stick to it until it slides off the wall like a pile of shit melting in the Sahara Desert!
Now, this IS me, Gerry Buncher, an American suffering from the Trump Syndrome soon to be found in Psych Text Books, Trump angst, Trump pissed offness (that too will become common jargon), and now I am also a Conspiracy Theorist, because so far the GOP under the leadership Of Comrade Mitch McConnell and his newest BFF Little (Lite in the Loafers) Lindsey Graham, has provided us the most unnerving conspiracies’ this nation has ever encountered! Here is my take on the soon to be Iranian War, provided to you by the blackmailed, black moneyed, black-hearted GOP and the ever-insecure dude dangling in Orange, and a few prostitutes on his arms. (And by no means is this a slight on prostitutes, just the ones sick enough to spend a second with Trump, you know, like Melania and Stormy)
Jared Kushner is best buds with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman. Two sinister, snake oil salesmen, one a dangerous despot and an out and out murderer, the other a disgusting disgruntled goon, spoiled that his felon of a father got caught. Jared is not making enough money off of the American Tax Payer so he and his bud bin Salman worked out a deal for nuclear plants. The Middle East is not enough of a powder keg. Netanyahu, also known as the Jewish Trump, is part of the deal and got the US embassy moved to Jerusalem, so not too much noise was made because Jared told the Saudi’s let Israel have it embassy, you have the nuclear capability to annihilate the world, and I Jared get a loan, which will never be paid back as long as Trump remains in office, of a few billion dollars. Iran by no means is a good guy, but NOW there is all this hubbub of evidence, fake and phony to make the MAGA minded Americans, and those who salute the Troops, and the ignorant Troops who believe in Good Nazi’s to want to bomb the FUCK out of Iran…add ass licker, Mike Pompeo, and all together brain dead Bolton and wham bam thank you Ma’am we have a war. Wonder how many MAGA men and women will volunteer. But his IS Trump’s America, and we are just ants ready to be stomped upon. The End, and sadly, MAYBE the END!