‘When Bad Things Happen To Good People’ is a 1981 book by Harold Kushner, a Conservative rabbi. It has also been a recurring theme during the 4 years that Trump was hacked into office by the Russian’s and prior to that at least 8 years while Mitch McConnell, one Senator, functioning as Lord and Master of the Senate due to very archaic and arcane rules promoted and permitted by the Good Ole’ Boys Club of the Upper Chamber of Congress! Bad things have been happening to good people at a record speed during my 71 years of living, causing me to sometimes wonder if the NATURE of things is so fucked up that BAD somehow is the new norm, and GOOD, a forgotten way of life!
We have to be reminded that Black Lives Matter. We are told that the zygote and fetus are God’s gifts, but the same people who lecture us on that prefer that brown children can be held in cages, black kids can drink from lead-tainted water faucets, transgendered children should be arrested for just being who they are, and orphaned children should remain in foster agencies as if they were cogs because that is better than having them placed in a loving home by two dads or two moms! We have been told that a white adulterer, a tax-evading, sociopathic liar is the new Messiah, while a black happily married truth-telling loving father and husband is the anti-Christ. We now have revisited past American injustices, inciting hate against Asian Americans, and have celebrated one of the lowest points of American history and brought back Jim Crow. And of course, Villages are for fools, and it should never be the responsibility of a village, to aid in the health and welfare of its inhabitants, because keeping all of us safe is a Communist plot!
I have grown so weary wondering which next VIILIAN will be held in high esteem by mere mortals so lacking in depth or perception, celebrated ad a liberator for their pent-up bigotry, bias and bogus hate, and uneducated and baseless facts, based on their own sense of inferiority and insecurity! But WAIT…maybe there IS hope that GOOD will GAIN footing. Sad, but true, I find much GLEE in watching Matt Gaetz squirm and stew, in a cauldron of his own insipid creation; a man who loves maligning others, MAYBE, FINALLY, having BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO BAD PEOPLE! One can hope!