Moscow Mitch still believes he owns the American Government, (which makes a lot of sense, due to the fact that ever since President Barak Obama was elected, Moscow Mitch indeed proclaimed that no matter what the popular voters wished for; IT would NEVER find fruition!)…and just for good measure, denied a Democrat Supreme court nominee the slightest chance to communicate, and instead placed two GOP darlings, (one with QUESTIONABLE sexual pleasures and choice of beverage, the other with QUESTIONABLE experience) in their LIFETIME FOREVER jobs. Moscow Mitch also rushed into courtrooms all across the nation, the most QUESTIONABLE of judges, most more conservative, and then the other!
Anyone paying attention to the Archaic and Inane so-called Upper Chamber (laughingly it is referred to as the most distinguished deliberative body of government in the world) has to wonder how the fuck one Senator from one state, can and does have MORE power than say a President AND can wish away what HIS DOMESTIC 1% DONOR TERRORIST PUPPET MASTERS, don’t like!
And now, it seems two times in two months, Moscow Mitch has threatened this nation, by first declaring a scorched earth policy if the FILLABUSTER (which honestly is a weapon in McConnell’s own arsenal), and now Moscow Mitch, has told CORPORATIONS (for whom HE and the GOP and his wealthy 1% Domestic Puppet Masters ordained were people) to STOP BEING SO WOKE! Moscow Mitch made veiled threats, but the fact that his frozen face void of any emotion has no high or low, ONE has to imagine Moscow Mitch has some hidden weapons ready for them! I might be a bit dense (NO I AM NOT)…but this reminds me of some Orange Turd telling HIS cult-like followers to take over the Capitol!