A “filibuster,” in the language of the day, was a plunderer or a pirate.
Democrats could do away with this resistance with a simple party-line vote to end the filibuster, but they have been hamstrung
by the stubborn resistance of Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona.
Manchin, asked Thursday whether he might finally vote to end the filibuster if Republicans used it to block the commission, responded reflexively: "I'm not willing to destroy our government, no."
But the senator has it exactly backward — it is the filibuster that is destroying our government. (MSNBC)
Of course, the SHEER BULL SHIT, falling from the oral opening of Manchin, is nothing but SHEER LUNACY, crystalizing into TOXIC WASTE, as every syllable and syntax finds its way into a comic book-like bubble which might as well be placed over Manchin’s mouth as he spouts nothing but IGNORANCE, UNINTEREST, AND UTTER FOOLISHNESS. If there ever was a time of respect for Senators or the SENATE, I am hard to find it, BUT during these past years during the Obama and Putin Administration’s, ABSOLUTELY nothing in the form of REVERENCE TO RELEVANCE TO RESPONSIBLE has taken place in what has been referred to as the highest deliberative body. McConnell has made certain this government is HIS (With, of course, all proceeds, minus Mitch’s Grim Reaper Fee of 10%, going to HIS wealthy 1% Domestic Terrorist Class of Donors). McConnell’s callous, most likely Communist Assets within the Republican Leadership are spineless self-anointed Gods, and the so-called Rank and File GQP, have either been elected to office via GERRYMANDERING/Voter Repression/or by the PAY TO PRAY EVANGELICAL SHYSTERS…so why should they care! And then you add to the audacious mix, the ego of Joe Manchin (Unattached and Unable to see, smell or taste REALITY, and the DINO (Democrat In Name Only) Kyrsten Sinema, and the acid rain/nuclear fallout/Three Mile Island gook, makes for an APOCALYPTIC demise of democracy!
Manchin says, "I'm not willing to destroy our government, no." As if every piece of legislation to vote against Obama, every promise by McConnell that HIS job one is to deny Biden any of HIS priorities, directing the GQP to not pursue an INSURRECTION, and permitting Putin’s Criminal Puppet, Donnie the Orange to CONTINUE to let the Civil War or worse a new Revolutionary War wage, has not and is not DESTROYING OUR GOVERNMENT. And on and on and on again, as if law and order, the Constitution are meaningless, the Dems pretend they are gonna get real mad real soon, and day by day, DOOMSDAY approaches sooner and sooner!