Even after the fact…WE deny the facts…WE huddle together, name the victims, curse the evil, look into the cameras, express what We saw, heard, experienced, and stop there…WE suppose, assume, consider, but WE never go beyond that…because too often, NO, ALL, THE TIME, WE are told it is too soon, that this was JUST a mentally ill person, how can WE lump all gun owners into the one category, in which WE just witnessed, as MURDERERS!
Even after the fact…whether the FACTS are clear enough as 20/20 vision, or murky from too much bloodshed…WE pose, WE politicize, WE patronize, WE go through the pomp and circumstance, but never PRIORITIZE…WE know, people over profit, people over political ambition…So some died, but fortunes were still made, and careers still intact…It is always the same…wondering why wishing differently, and woefully NEVER willing to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Even after the fact…WE pretend that NEXT TIME, WE can actually make a change…BUT then a few hours later, or if we are LUCKY enough to catch our breaths and stop our grieving, a few days LATER…another MASS MURDER or the MURDER of just ONE PERSON has been committed…AND WE will ONCE AGAIN…Begin all over again!