Saturday, May 15, 2021

What we see



Americans who are fully vaccinated can go without masks or physical distancing in most cases, even when they are indoors or in large groups, federal officials said Thursday, paving the way for a full reopening of society.

“The science is … very clear about unvaccinated people," she said. "You remain at risk of mild or severe illness or death or spreading the disease to others. You should still mask and you should get vaccinated right away.” (Washington Post)


Two statements, both equally true, but neither will be perceived by the SCIENCE IS AN ENEMY/ AND MEDICINE IS SCIENCE’S HITMAN CROWD. The Uneducated/The Resentful/The Fact is the Folly of the Liberals/The Head in the Sand or up an Orange Turds Ass/The You Are Not the Boss of Me/The That Somehow Their God is Offended/The Nay Sayers as Long as a Progressive/Black/Jew/Brown/Non-Evangelical Christian/College-Educated/Love Thy Neighbor Person States a Position, WHO WILL DENY TRUTH AND FONDLE THE FICTION…will select the answer that somehow always questions WHY hurt yourself, make yourself ill, eventually kill yourself, BECAUSE hate always comes FIRST!


Two pictures, are they of the same sight? Two photos, do they replicate one another? Two images, BUT what do you see in one that you might notice in the other. In one do you see a pile of logs, maybe once a vibrant and useful pier from which boats were docked, providing hundreds of people access to the shore, commerce, and trade between fisherman and customers, the exit and the entrance from a day on the seas, or an adventure about to begin! OR, if you look closer, perhaps a line of lemmings, waiting and waiting their turn to follow a cult leader as HE demands they march into the sea and commit suicide. A promise by someone who boasts HE IS THE LIGHT/HE IS THE TRUTH/ and as HE pontificates from afar, demands NO ONE listen to reason, of intelligence or TRUTH. Look at both pictures, look at the facts regarding ending the Pandemic, look at the same thing as all of SEE, and what conclusion do you make, and why?