The combination of both Reality TV and Government had become the fad that just doesn’t stop talking and taking and taking. And the term Reality TV, somehow is quite the misnomer, maleficent, and malfeasant Brand Name for the new brand of Snake Oil. For me, the ONLY Reality TV, used to be the news, (Before, even THAT, fell victim to a scripted, pre-plotted, and pretentious cornucopia of fiction, fable, lies, con, and propaganda; again if you have ever watched a Reality TV show, the fore mentioned descriptions are all key elements for their Bull Shit!) No direct commentary about the purpose of Reality TV, except it, seems somehow to believe any or all or some or most of the characters we watch are nothing more but actors pretending to play themselves, and for me doing a pretty awful job! Holding on as tightly as they can to 15, maybe 16, or in the case of the Kardashians 20 minutes of fame, these sham artists bring in the viewers and thus the advertisement dollars, so basically it is a win-win, but for who?
This brings me to MY real purpose for today’s rant; the total hypocritical callous, self-serving selfish and lack of any real REALITY of one Caitlyn Jenner, WHO seems to thrive in the make-believe world of REALTY TV: When a reporter asked Jenner during the impromptu interview for her opinion on the efforts by some Republican legislatures to ban transgender athletes from participating in sports consistent with their gender identities, she replied that she does not support trans girls playing on girls' teams.
"This is a question of fairness. That's why I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girls' sports in school," said Jenner, a Republican who is one of the most high-profile transgender Americans in public life. "It just isn't fair. And we have to protect girls' sports in our schools." She did not answer a follow-up question from the reporter about whether that view delegitimizes the identity of children who transition and now identify as girls. (CNN)
To be clear I too am learning about the population of Transgendered Individuals, (Many people assume if you are Gay, you know all of the issues and people regarding the LGBTQ population, as they ALSO assume if you are Jewish you know all the Jews in America…I am both Gay and Jewish and DO NOT know all or most from either demographic). But what I do understand, from the mouth of Caitlyn from her various Reality TV Shows and her Look at Me Specials, IS the fact that SHE demands total respect for her choice, and that her male to female transgendered transition meant that all that a FEMALE is capable of, she too as a FEMALE contain those capabilities! But Caitlyn is not a very empathetic individual or one with insight, so it seems…at least when she first prefers to become a politician. SUDDENLY, all the rights and respect SHE demanded for herself carry no more weight for anyone else. This Reality Sham or is it Shame, now wants restrictions on the TRANSGENDERED COMMUNITY, you know those who are not CAITLYN, and she wants those RESTRICTIONS so it seems for no other reason except right now, they might benefit this Republican Hypocrite in winning the votes of BIGOTS!