Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Personal God

 "I've always been a Republican, said Mark McClosky but I have never been a politician," he said Tuesday on Fox's "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "But you know, God came knocking on my door last summer disguised as an angry mob, and it really did wake me up." The McCloskeys drew national attention in late June after they were seen on video brandishing guns outside their mansion at protesters walking on a private street to the home of St. Louis' mayor. (CNN)


“God came knocking”, was it the same God who seemed to have visited Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi’s bedroom quite often, (the woman Trump called ugly), was it the same God who has paid Raphael Cruz Senior numerous visits (telling the senior Cruz that the junior Cruz was a Prophet). Is it the same God for which Franklin Graham and his Pay to Pray Evangelical Imposters swear has anointed Trump as a Christian In Training to become the next Messiah? Is it the GOD, way too many Christian Nationalists believe can overlook hunger, medicine, science, the environment, racism, freedoms, and rights, BUT is ONLY insistent that there be NO ABORTIONS/NO PERSONAL RIGHTS FOR LGBTQ PEOPLE, AND PEOPLE OF COLOR? Is it the GOD, for whom Catholic Priests have held Masses asking that GOD to God-Bless the AK’s/ War Weapons/ Glocks used by Christians intent on shooting anyone from kids in schools, people in movie theaters and concerts, beauty salons, or for just Being Black?


So Mark McClosky, who along with his wife, stood on their front lawn and pointed their weapons on protestors, who felt as he held that cold metal object with the intent on firing its even colder contained bullets into a crowd, found JESUS, and JESUS  caressed him and demurred, letting Mark McClosky believe HE TOO WAS CHOSEN! Mark McClosky wants to be the Republican candidate (oops, I mean the Trumpian candidate from Missouri) to run for office from the state of Missouri (which calls itself the SHOW ME STATE) but is confused and instead is the I WILL SHOW YOU EVIL STATE, from which the INSURRECTIONIST Josh Hawley currently represents. When there is no intention to end the madness, the Insanity becomes a deadly as a PANDEMIC!