I wondered WHEN…as an American who happens to believe in the Jewish religion, I wondered WHEN once again it would be my turn to face the UGLY offenses of the Trump Brigade of Bigots. I say once again because history has proven that ANTI-SEMITISM never has stopped brewing in the cauldron of the insecure, the inept, the INSURRECTIONISTS! Unhappy people, acting as bully’s feeling brave because all they have to hold onto in their miserable lives is hate, anger, fiction, and falsehoods. Minions who wear Red Hats, White Robes, the Colors of the Confederate Flag, and of course feel so domineering while they Swagger in the Swastika!
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” (Pastor Martin Niemoller).
It’s a vicious cycle, within this nation, MY COUNTRY, how the Nationalistic Christian White Supremacists, fear for their own lives and pretend that instead of cowards they are some kind of hero; because they choose a minority and use terror and terrorism tactics as some kind malignant sign of patriotism! The Jews, Women, Progressives, People of Color, LGBTQ People, Asians, Indigenous Folk, pick one pick all, just read the history books and select any decade from the beginning of the American experience and watch how Klansmen and Klanswomen, Christian Crusaders, Pay to Pray Self Proclaimed Prophets, Politicians, Sons, and Daughters of Confederacy, 1% of the Wealthiest of Families, single out a demographic to abuse and use to sustain their OWN miserable way of life. (And don’t forget when the Irish/The Japanese/The Italians/ The Germans suddenly were the cause of panic).
And to make matters worse, as the thriller movie ‘When A Stranger Calls’ reminds us: "Jess, the caller is in the house. The calls are coming from the house!" WE THE PEOPLE now must rely on the Domestic Terrorists who reside in the House of Representatives and the Senate, who have initiated the HATE, to pass laws to STOP THE HATE…as if! I just want to know how I can and should fight back…NOW!