Come on already. NO, STOP WEARING A SIGN ON YOUR BACK THAT READS: “JUST KICK ME!” YEAH, I am talking to the leadership of the Democrat Party, like Nancy and Chuck, Steny Hoyer, Dick Durbin, and each and every Chair Person who happens to be in power BECAUSE, RIGHT NOW, THIS INSTANT IN TIME, THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE MAJORITY OF both chambers of the Congress. For the sake of this nation, all you had was two years beginning January 2020, and as the countdown to 2022 seems to be moving at WARP SPEED, the whole two years are evaporating like the tail of a COMET! (You know, the kind of COMET which only makes its approach once in a lifetime!)
Moscow Mitch and Kevin (the Man With No Backbone) Mc McCarthy along with the Coalition of Good Nazi’s/ Proud Boys/ The South Will Rise Again/ Koch Brothers, the Mercer Family/Sheldon Adelson, and The Dark Money of Citizens United, have made it SUPER DUPER clear to their POLITICAL PUPPETS, that AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL, can only be a “PURTY PLACE, as long as any Democratic PURPOSE is PURGED, and then add the Pay to Pray Charlatans of the Evangelical White Nationalist Snake Oil Sales People who have added some kind of BIZARRE PURITY TEST, if you are NOT a Fetus, there ain’t NO PLACE for you at all!
Voting Rights/Infrastructure/A Living Wage/Climate Change/Anti-Discrimination Laws/ Policing the Police/ and the Grand Daddy of them all, the one piece of legislation which will either turn back time (a Cher sings) or take us Back to the Future in a very abhorrent manner a January 6thCommission, ALL of these have a short shelf life…and Senators MANCHIN. Pres/SINEMA/KELLY that means your time in power will also find its demise. President Biden, VP Harris one quote for you both “IF NOT US NOW, WHEN? AND IF NOT NOW, WHEN?