Sunday, October 22, 2023


 House chaos forces Senate to take the wheel on spending. (The Hill) Kevin McCarthy's excuse for the GOP speaker fiasco must be seen to be believed. The issue here isn’t that the minority party didn’t come rescue the majority; the issue is the majority party’s fundamental inability and unwillingness to govern. (MSNBC) Chesebro, who was charged alongside Donald Trump and more than a dozen other codefendants with attempting to delay the transfer of power after the 2020 election, was scheduled to stand trial this week. He accepted the offer as jury selection was underway on Friday. (NBC News)

These are just three current examples, as I see it, as to why the way the USA handles it governing and governance MUST change. 


Somehow,  no matter how inexperienced, how inept, how much treason or anti-democracy rhetoric or actions a chosen Representative may be, he or she can wham bam thank you ma’am be nominated to become Speaker, and immediately become the second in line to ascend to the Presidency. Somehow, every year Congress plays a political game of Russian Roulette with our lives, as they create their own self-inflicted Budget Crisis. Preferring to promote their own personal gains, over actually considering the citizens of this nation, the House plays brinkmanship, at the ready, just to get their 15 minutes of fame, insisting that this time come hell or high water ‘WE WILL SPITE EVERYONE AND CLOSE DOWN THE GOVERNMENT.” And with all the knowledge we had and now have more of, NOTHING has been done to change the fiasco of the Electoral College, its mechanism, its madness, and its mayhem.


Then add to that, how in the world, should it be “a thing,” that a person elected President without winning the majority of votes, is permitted to nominate anyone to the Supreme Court. If he or she is not representing the majority of voters, how in the world can he or she have the power to select any candidate to the Supreme Court for their entire lifetime! And how the fuck is it still a thing that Justices, not elected by the population, but SELECTED by a political party serve a lifetime at all. And how is it that anyone elected to any position of governing, is not required to take a test of competency, including, questions about understanding the Constitution, questions about both American History and World History? What about questions regarding Civics? Require all candidates once elected to pass the same test given to new Citizens of the United States.


For me it is just like the approach-avoidance attitude we are taking regarding the Climate Disaster we are facing…we talk, talk, talk about it, and in turn, we just talk, talk, talk about it, and nothing else!

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