Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Kelly Jonhson

 Speaker Mike Johnson’s Wife Removes Website Equating Homosexuality to Bestiality and Incest

Following scrutiny, Kelly Johnson, wife of newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, has taken down her Christian counseling website that contained documents comparing homosexuality to bestiality and incest. (ADVOCATE)


Fuck off Kelly Johnson, fuck off Mike Johnson, fuck off every single Republican within the House who voted in favor of making this HOMOPHOBE, not on SPEAKER, but now the Second in Line for the Presidency.


Bestiality, really Kelly Johnson, based on exactly what? Is it based on the same Christians who swear that a zygote is a life, but once that zygote is out of the womb, using an assault weapon to murder that zygote is A-OKAY! Bestiality, really Kelly Johnson is it based on the same Christians, who insist that a zygote is a life, but once that life is out of the womb, tuff fucking luck if it is born into poverty, thus having little access to health care, shelter and food?


Incest, really Kelly Johnson as in the number of girls and women who are raped by their Heterosexual Fathers, Grandfathers, Brothers, Uncles, or Cousins? Incest, really Kelly Johnson as in the innocent females who no matter what age must carry the zygote of their close relative to term, only to discover that via a Heterosexual rape, that child has a possibility of a whole lot of unhealthy heterosexual gunk in his or system, which can lead to a very sick physical or mental health future.


Bestiality, Kelly Johnson, exactly when was the first or last time, you actually met a person who mated with an animal or a mammal? Incest, Kelly Johnson, as in the myriad of females who must raise their children in an environment of sad sickness and loathing.


OH KELLY JOHNSON, what the fuck. Just fuck off, and take your husband with you!