Monday, October 9, 2023

NO good GOD

 Any religious group of zealots, ignoring the plight of females, deciding the fate of women and girls, declaring in effect that the GOD they say they follow considers women to be second class, almost like chattel, are nothing more than a bunch of MYSOGYNIST men, and MYSOGYNIST enabling women, as I see it.

Any religious group of zealots exclaiming that kidnapping, innocents is an important and reasonable extension of their Holy Jihad, are using their GOD as a scapegoat for their own inhumane actions. Innocents as intentional targets for declaring a RELIGIOUS WAR, might as well be defined as fighting not for a particular GOD, but, instead for a preferred DEVIL.


In most communities when the so-called soldiers for GOD terrorize and take control, the first victims seem to be women and girls. The gritty and grotesque accounts of the aftermath of incursion are that RAPE and Torture are the two main goals of any Religious Crusader, and never any mention of hallowing their so-called GOD.


When innocents are held as hostages, kidnapped, and placed in harm’s way purposely and profoundly, there are not two sides to the story of war. It is an intentional type of warfare and no matter how hard these PAGANS pretend to whitewash it, it remains bloody red, and if these PAGANS insist they are doing it for their GOD, then THEIR GOD cannot exist.