Tuesday, October 10, 2023


 So now, AS IS THE USUAL BIT OF BUFFOONARY BY THE REPUBLICANS, the crisis in the Middle East, is being blamed on President Biden. And now, AS IS THE USUAL BIT OF BUFFOONARY BY THE REPUBLICANS, no matter how insidious the past actions by Trump and his cadre of CONMEN and CONWOMEN have actually taken place, and no matter how insidious the current actions of Republicans have been playing out, the Republicans pretend, as always, and once again, that FACTS ARER TOO WOKE TO CONSIDER.

Trump declared on Tuesday that he was withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, unraveling the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor Barack Obama, isolating the United States from its Western allies and sowing uncertainty before a risky nuclear negotiation with North Korea. (New York Times)


Sen. Tommy Tuberville won't lift his military blockade amid Israel-Hamas conflict For months, the Alabama Republican has held up more than 300 military nominees, including top officers who would command forces in the Middle East. (NBC News)


2 Billion Dollar Kushner gift. “Shortly before the 2020 election,” Kushner unveiled a government-sponsored program dubbed the Abraham Fund, which the Trump administration said would raise $3 billion for projects around the Middle East, capitalizing on the Abraham Accords, the diplomatic agreements normalizing relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. Officials said the fund would invest in poorer countries that joined the accords, and its first projects were said to include upgrading checkpoints into Israel from the Palestinian territories and building a gas pipeline between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. Neither project went anywhere. Nor did the efforts to enlist Gulf money. Yet while the countries (and the people who live there) that were supposedly going to benefit from the Abraham Fund never saw any money materialize, Kushner and Mnuchin would soon be raking in the cash. (Vanity Fair)


Three clear examples, are just a part of the myriad of failed TRUMP ADMINISTRATION and GOP policies, that added fuel to the fire in the Middle East, and yet, AS IS THE USUAL BIT OF BUFFOONARY BY THE REPUBLICANS, the truth is being ignored.