Monday, October 30, 2023

"women and children"

 The hypocrisy of the hue and cry, “Women and Children,” as if those who scream loudest actually give a fuck about all of the women and children. 

How about the women who are raped, either by members of their own family, or strangers. How about their welfare, having to carry the zygote of their brother, their father, their uncle or some male who that woman had no idea of his genetics or history. Is that WOMAN of no consequence, is that woman’s life of no consequence?


How about the child who knows that his or her gender is not the product of his or her physical appearance? How about the child who was born as a homosexual, who must express his or her destiny?


“Women and Children,” as if just muttering that phrase somehow makes the speaker seem like a caring or comforting person. 


How about the women, who are still considered chattel by so many so-called religious or pious zealots. How about the equal rights of women to live, thrive, and survive each moment and every day? How about the children who go to school hungry, who become an unwanted burden by people who never wanted to give birth to them in the first place? How about the homelessness of those women and children, the poverty of those women and children, and the lack of food or health care for those women and children?


It is TOO EASY, to shout out, “What about the women and children,” when war has become the norm, but it remains TOO IGNORED when the everyday attempt to exist is overlooked for WOMEN AND CHILDREN!