Sunday, October 15, 2023

My Super Powers

 A whack on the side of the head, today, my husband Joe, provided me with my own whack on the side of the moment.

Sunday, a chill has finally invaded the shores of North Truro, loud and proud so it seems as it dances with the branches of the trees on our property and seems to do some kind of tango with the remaining perennials still bragging about their hues of purple and yellow flowers. Gray skies with the thickest layer of clouds loom over our house, almost begging us to wonder, will it rain, and when?  Luckily we live on a road, off the main byways of town, so when quiet arrives, it seems soothing, soft, and nestles like that of a favorite sweatshirt. It is a lulling kind of sensation, promising, at least for the next moments, that all may be well, but also cautioning us to not get so comfortable as to be fooled!


We permitted ourselves, Joe and I, 10 minutes of news, be it from TV, our Computer, or our phone. 10 minutes we decided, to at least let us know how much closer to midnight the Doomsday Clock has ticked and tocked. From the Middle East to Ukraine to Washington DC, we both listened to, or read, just how unmanageable our current events have become, and how the world, foreign and domestic is imploding. Today, this Sunday, October 15, 2023, 10 minutes suddenly seemed an eternity.


It was then, with no technology roaming randomly within our house, thus permitting the silence to find its footing once again, that Joe said to me. “Honey, do you realize, that you, according to much of the world and nation, have at least two Super Powers?” I thought he was preparing a joke, so I awaited the supposed punchline. Everyone seems to be afraid of the “Jews, and the Gays.” He then continued, “I have one Super Power, as a Gay man, but damn, Honey, you have two, so start using them, NOW!”


History, yeah MAGA, as in the stuff that really happened, the stuff for some reason scares the shit out of your exclusive life. You seem so comfortable having your heads up your own asses.  History has provided human beings with some kind of worrisome mystery, as to why everyone thinks the small population of Jewish people are so DAMNED POWERFUL. Then add to that the continuous attempts to decimate Homosexuals. For some Cosmic or Supernatural reasons, translated as your own insecurities and self-loathing, you wish to think that Jews will murder your Gods, and Homosexuals will turn every single one of you Gay.


The whack on the side of my head, made me realize, that DAMN, why would I as a Jew and as a Homosexual, not fire up my Super Powers. If not now, WHEN!